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Bringing Home a New Kitten


A kitten may be chosen at an earlier stage but, ideally, it should not be taken to its new home until it is about eight weeks of age. This is not a hard-and-fast rule, however, and a kitten may be had at a younger age (from five weeks onwards) as long as it has been taught to lap milk and feed independently on solid food. Much depends upon the number of kittens in a litter. If it is a large litter (six or seven), the kittens are likely to be less advanced at a comparable age than those from a small litter. Obviously, a younger, smaller kitten will require even more special care when it arrives in its new home to ensure that it will thrive.

One or two preparations should be made before the kitten is brought home. A supply of food is, of course, needed. It is best, at first, to find out what the kitten has been used to eating and to buy a supply of the same kind of food. This is one factor that can then remain constant in the kitten’s life in the bewildering business of leaving its familiar surroundings and entering a new home. Familiar food is likely to prove reassuring to the kitten, encouraging it to eat and helping with the settling-in process. Two suitable bowls or containers are required, one for food and the other for fluids. Old saucers have often been used for the purpose in the past and are quite suitable. Some people prefer, however, to purchase the shallow, plastic feeding bowls that are on sale in pet shops, and these have the advantage of being non-breakable and should therefore last for the whole lifetime of the cat.

A suitable container is needed that can be used as a litter tray. There may be something suitable in the home, garage or garden shed, but many people prefer to purchase a litter tray from a pet shop. This is a rectangular-shaped shallow box, usually about 6V2 centimeters deep, 30 centimeters long and 20 centimeters wide and made of plastic. It is lined with newspaper and then filled with a suitable material that is used by the cat for defecation and urination. Commercial cat litter can be purchased, and this consists of small nodules of fuller’s earth or clay. Other suitable materials are sand, peat, soil, shredded bark or chippings or cut-up newspaper. The best material to use is that which can be disposed of by being burnt as this is both hygienic and also destroys the eggs of certain internal parasites in the event of these being present.

The kitten needs to be provided with its own place in which to sleep, and there are many different types of bed or basket to choose from in pet shops. For a young kitten, however, a strong cardboard box with fairly high sides but with part of one cut out to make a door is just as suitable. It can be lined first with layers of newspaper and then an old cushion, blankets or other suitable coverings, and these should be washed frequently. Alternatively, a wooden or cardboard box can be laid on its side to make a roofed bed, which has the advantage of screening out any draughts and giving an added feeling of security. The bed should be placed in a warm, safe place near where the members of the household spend most of their time. It has to be said that once the kitten has settled in and grows to adulthood, it will probably suit itself as to where it sleeps. Cats like to seek out the warmest, sunniest and most comfortable spots, irrespective of their official bed or basket.

It is worthwhile right at the start to invest in an elasticized cat collar (which will ‘give’ if it should become caught in something), with an attached disc engraved with some means of identification. Obviously, if the cat strays from home at some stage, there is a much greater chance of it being returned if it wears a collar carrying an identification disc. Some owners like to attach a little bell to the collar to lessen the cat’s success in catching garden birds.

There is likely to be great excitement in a family with children when the day comes to bring home the new kitten. It is essential to resist the temptation just to carry the kitten, even if it is only out to a car. A kitten may look helpless, but if it becomes frightened, as may be the case when it is taken out of its familiar, surroundings, it can easily slip out of a person’s hands and run away. It would, of course, be dangerous to have a kitten running loose in a moving car. Hence a box of some kind is needed for transport, and a strong cardboard one with high sides is perfectly adequate for a kitten. It needs to be lined with a suitable warm covering (e.g. newspaper and an old towel) and the top should be folded down to make a lid. Some holes should be made in the flaps of the lid for ventilation before leaving home.

Alternatively, two boxes can be used, one slightly larger than the other. The larger one needs to have holes made in the base and is inverted over the smaller one to make a lid. The smaller one should be warmly lined, and once the kitten is safely inside the two boxes can be secured together with string. Some people prefer to invest in a manufactured ‘cat carrier’ basket, which can be purchased from a pet shop. This might seem to be a rather expensive item but will certainly come in useful throughout the lifetime of the cat for visits to the veterinary surgery, etc. A cardboard box is not suitable for the transport of an adult cat as it is not strong enough. Unfortunately, the whole experience of being transported to a new home is likely to be an upsetting one for the kitten. All that can be done is to make sure that the kitten is safe during the journey and to minimize the trauma as far as possible.

Elderly Cat Care


On the whole, the pet family cat of today enjoys a better quality of life than at any time in the past. Because of advances in veterinary care, good nutrition and freedom from the stresses of reproduction, many pet cats pass into a contented old age and may live to be sixteen or seventeen. However, an elderly cat does require a little more in the way of care than a younger one since some diseases and conditions are more likely to arise in old age. An old cat naturally becomes less active and adventurous and will tend to spend a great deal of time sleeping in a warm and comfortable place.

Warmth is much more important for an old cat, and it should always be able to get in out of the cold and wet. An old cat is often more susceptible to infections as its immune system probably becomes less efficient at this stage. It is advisable, therefore, to keep vaccination well up-to-date and to seek early veterinary advice if your cat exhibits any signs of ill health. In the same way, worming is very important as an elderly cat may have less resistance to internal parasites and become debilitated as a result of their presence.

An old cat requires less feeding once its activity declines but at the same time it may become a fussy eater and refuse food that was previously enjoyed. There is no harm in coaxing the cat and indulging it a little at this stage in its life by offering more tasty, highly flavored foods from time to time. One should first check, however, that there is nothing wrong with the cat’s teeth as dental problems are quite common in old age.

Sometimes it is important for teeth to be removed under a general anaesthetics, but a cat can manage to eat very well as long as its gums are firm and healthy. Canned commercial foods are obviously useful for a cat that has dental problems as they are soft. Constipation, which can be so severe that the animal fails t: pass any motions at all, can be a problem in an elderly cat. is sometimes caused by a loss of normal muscle tone in bowel, and veterinary attention is needed to improve the situation.

Cancerous tumors more common in older cats, and symptoms and treatment depend upon the site and nature of the malignancy. Regrettably treatment by means of surgery, drugs (chemotherapy) or radiation (radiotherapy) may not effect a cure but much can u be done to alleviate symptoms, at least for a while. Heart disease and kidney failure are two other disorders that are more likely to arise in elderly cats, and, depending upon severity, drug treatments can often relieve the symptoms for a time and improve the quality of life. With all these conditions, however, the time may come when the kindest course of action is to have the cat put painlessly to sleep.

Arthritis is more common in older cats, often noticed as stiff-ness, particularly on first getting up after resting. An old cat may not keep its claws in good order, and it may be necessary have these trimmed from time to time.

Cat Language


In the cat, body language is a very important means of communication. An alert but relaxed cat walks along with its tail held high, possibly with the end bent forwards slightly, and the ears pricked up. When its owner approaches, it may lower its head and raise its rear quarters, holding the tail erect and rocking slightly before purring and rubbing against the person’s legs as described above. The cat’s behavior expresses pleasure and anticipation in meeting its owner. Tail wagging that becomes steadily more pronounced is a means of expressing anger and is usually accompanied with growling.

A cat that is frightened by the approach of another animal it perceives as a potential threat tenses its whole body and may be ready to run if necessary. The pupils of the eyes widen and the cat may crouch down, lower its tail and flatten its ears against its head, which are submissive gestures. If the encroaching stranger approaches too closely, however, the cat may arch its back, raise its body hair and stand sideways, accompanying these warning signs with growling, hissing and bared teeth. The tail is usually held erect and, while still alarmed, the cat is trying to communicate that it is not to be toyed with. This defensive behavior combines elements of submission (widened pupils and flattened ears) with those of aggression (raised hackles, arched back, bared teeth and growling). If this approach does not deter the encroaching animal, the cat may spring into the attack, especially if it thinks that it cannot escape.

In encounters with other cats, the behavior displayed depends on the circumstances and the individual temperament of each animal. If both animals are torn cats, each may adapt a determined and aggressive stance to establish which is dominant. Each cat tenses its body and stretches its head foreword, with ears pricked and tail held stiffly horizontal or slightly lower than the line of its back. The tail waves slightly and each cat slowly and stiffly approaches the other with narrowed pupils, trying to stare out its opponent. These movements are accompanied with angry growling that rises and falls in intensity. During this ‘standoff’ period, tail-wagging and growling may increase until, if neither backs down, one cat eventually launches into attack. The weaker cat may eventually show submissive behavior, crouching down and flattening its ears or running away in retreat.

Licking and cat grooming is another indication of mood in a cat. When excited or upset, the cat may lick itself with vigorous, quick movements in an almost obsessional manner, as if trying to shut out what is happening around it. This is a type of displacement activity that seems to help the cat to cope with whatever has caused its agitation as a means of calming it down. This type of licking is in marked contrast to the slow, luxurious grooming indulged in by a relaxed and contented cat that is at peace with itself and its surroundings.

Cats may change quite suddenly from submissive to defensive behavior and this occasionally arises when an animal is being stroked and petted. A cat often lays half on its side and half on its back with the upper paw raised while being stroked. This is similar to the submissive posture adapted when trying to appease another potentially aggressive cat, but the raised paw is ready to strike if necessary.

Usually, if stroking continues beyond a certain point, the cat suddenly becomes irritated and lashes out with its claws and teeth before leaping up and jumping away. It seems that the animal suddenly feels threatened and the stroking is no longer welcome, as though the attention is coming from another cat. Usually, before the moment of attack is reached, the cat gives warning signs such as flicking its tail and possibly growling. It is wise to be wary when stroking a cat in this position and to avoid continuing for too long, as this behavior is common and can be quite painful for the person concerned!


Cat Toilet Training


In general, cats are clean and fastidious animals, and their normal behavior is to pass urine and farces in loose soil that is first dug and scratched out to make a hollow. Once the cat has finished, it uses its paws to cover its traces and scratches with more soil over the toilet area. In the first three weeks of life, kittens are relatively helpless and more or less confined to their bed or box. The mother cat licks them frequently and swallows the waste materials that her offspring pass. In fact, the kittens are stimulated to eliminate urine and farces by their mother’s licking of the genital and anal openings.

At the age of about three weeks, the kittens are moving around more and starting to explore the area outside the bed. This coincides with the time when the mother ceases to clean up the motions that the kittens pass and she may lift them onto the litter tray herself. In any event, the kittens are ‘programmed’ to use a suitable substrate in which to relieve themselves and will often choose to use a litter tray quite naturally.

The most successful way to proceed is to keep the kitten in one room (usually the kitchen) until it has learnt to use the litter tray. The tray should be placed in a quiet, secluded corner at a suitable distance from the bed. It may be an excellent idea to place the tray on a few sheets of newspaper or in a shallow cardboard box as the kitten may scratch and scatter the contents.

The kitten should be placed on the litter tray at frequent intervals, particularly on awakening from a sleep and immediately following a meal. (When the kitten begins to eat and food descends into its stomach, there is an automatic passage of digested material along the bowel caused by the operation of the ‘gastrocolic reflex’.) Most young mammals have little control over their bladder and bowels at first but rapidly acquire this as they develop. Accidents are inevitable with very young kittens, but many will be well on the way to becoming trained by the time they are taken to a new home. The move to a new home is, of course, unsettling for a new kitten, and owners should be patient over the mistakes that occur.

If the kitten is seen to be urinating or defecating in the wrong place, it should be told off sharply and immediately taken to the litter tray. The mess must be cleaned up thoroughly and disinfected-if any odor remains, the kitten may use the same spot again. The litter must be changed frequently, and certainly before it becomes soiled and smelly as cats are fastidious and may refuse to use a tray in these circumstances. Ideally, soiled cat litter should always be burnt and it may help to choose a type that is readily combustible. It should not be placed on the compost heap because the eggs of some internal parasites may be present which are very resistant to decay and could potentially be ingested by people, particularly children. Rubber gloves should be worn when changing the Utter and the tray should be washed and disinfected.

Occasionally, a kitten or cat is reluctant to use a tray because it dislikes the smell of a litter that has been treated with a chemical deodorizer. It is worthwhile changing the type of litter used to see if this encourages the kitten to use the tray. In addition, proprietary preparations are available that can be sprinkled on to the litter and that attract the kitten to use the tray. If the eventual aim is for the kitten to relieve itself out of doors, it may help to sprinkle some garden soil onto the litter from the start. Soil can itself be used as litter although there may be a problem with disposal.

Some cats quite naturally make the transition from using a litter tray to performing out of doors. Others are reluctant to use anything except a tray once they have been trained to do so. If this is the issue, it may help to move the litter tray gradually towards the door, just a few inches each day, until it is eventually placed outside. This is best accomplished in warm, dry weather when the door can be left open. Once the kitten is using the tray outside, a little used litter can be tipped onto an appropriate place in the garden.

It should be appreciated that there is nothing more annoying for someone who is a keen gardener than to have a cat digging in the soil and disturbing plants or bulbs. While the owners may not mind too much about their own garden, neighbors may object and there is no assurance that a cat will stay on its own patch. So, depending upon individual circumstances, it may be advisable to encourage a kitten just to use the litter tray. In any event, it is best to offer a tray for use at night and in bad weather as cats are great lovers of comfort and may prefer not to go out when it is cold and wet.

British Short hair Cat Breed


British short hair is a domestic cat. The features of the cat make it more popular cat for the cat shows. The Government Council of Cat Fancy has registered it as the most popular cat breed since 2001. They have thick and smart coat and large round eyes. The physical characteristics, personality characteristics, grooming tips, etc. are described below. All these details will help you to take care of your pet if you are adopting it.

Physical Characteristics of British Short hair Cat Breed

The British short hair is a stocky, compact and powerful cat with sturdy long legs and broad chest. The legs of the cat are quite thick to hold their muscular body. Because of the muscular look of the cat, it is often referred as bulldog of the cat world. British short hairs have large and broad heads. Eyes of the cat stand out and seem large and round. The ears of the cat are relatively small compared to the overall body size with the rounded tips that are set apart from each other. They have alert noses and rounded chins with powerful jaw. It has the short and dense body coat.

British Short hair Rescue

National and international cat rescue organizations are working for the rescue of cats of different breeds. Some of the international rescue organizations are helping the local rescue institutes in their rescue process. They are also training the people for performing the rescue techniques and caring measures. Rescue centers also check the rescued cats for any health related issues. If the cat is found positive for any infectious disease or any disability, it is treated at these rescue centers. There are trained professionals at these rescue centers those will help you in the rescue process.

The cat rescue is necessary in case if the cat owner has turned old and cannot take necessary care of their pet or the owner is shifting to some other location and cannot take their pet there. It is also required if the cat is left alone when it is suffering from any infectious diseases or some physical disabilities. The professionals at the rescue centers will take proper care of these neglected or abused cats.

Adoption of British Short hair

If you are looking of adopting a cat for your home, the British short hair will be a great choice. You can either look at the pet stores or the rescue centers for the cats of this breed. You can choose either the fully grown cat or the kitten of this breed. The objective of the rescue centers is to provide family to the lost or neglected cats. Adopting the cat from cat rescue centers means you will be providing home to the homeless cat. Doing this you will also get self satisfaction and peace of mind. When adopting the British short hair, visit the nearest cat rescue center and look for the appropriate cat that suits your requirements. Make sure that cat does not suffer from any physical injury or disability.

British Short hair Personality

The British short hairs are good natured, non-demanding and tolerant cats. They have extreme high level of intelligence; hence they can be easily trained. This is the main reason why they are generally more popular in cat shows. They are very quiet and non vocal cats. They love to play with children and get along well with dogs.

Grooming, Diet and Caring Tips for British Short hair

As they have short hair coat, they require less grooming. Grooming twice a week will keep the coat shiny and healthy. As they have pretty large body, British short hairs consume lots of food. They often require 70 Kcal per Kg of nourishment per day. These cats often become obese once they are spayed.

Bombay Cat Breed


The Bombay cat breed normally refers to two different cat breeds. They are British Bombay and American Bombay. Both these types of cats show similar characteristics. Hence they are grouped under same category. The physical characteristics, cat rescue, cats for adoption, their personality characteristics, grooming, diet and caring tips all are discussed in the article below.

Physical Characteristics of Bombay Cat

Bombay cat is a medium sized, muscular cat with a strong and heavy built. It weighs around 6-11 lbs (2.7 to 5.6 Kg). The average life span of this cat breed is 13 to 15 years if proper car is taken. Bombay cat has the jet black, lustrous coat. The eyes of cat have gold to copper color with the solid body and sweet facial expressions. The Bombay cat breed has a unique look.

It is not the naturally occurring cat breed but the hybrid one with distinctive features. It is a medium sized cat with well balanced friendly appearance. It is always alert, active and outgoing cat. The body and tail of the cat are of same length. It has rounded medium sized head, wide set ears and moderate nose. The eyes of the cat are large and round and the cat overall look of the cat is excellently proportioned.

Bombay Breed Rescue

This is the rarely found cat breed. The cat rescue is necessary in many cases. Many international and local organizations are functioning for rescue of cats of this breed. Some of these international organizations are also assisting the local rescue centers in their rescue process. They are training the people to become the professional rescuers. These organizations have trained professionals those look after and properly care for the rescued cats. If any of the cat is suffering from any illness or disability, it is treated at these rescue centers till it becomes normal and then it is made available for adoption. You can contact any of the rescue centers nearby you if you are thinking of adopting the cat for your home. The cat rescue is required in cases when the pet owners have turned older and are not able to take necessary care of their pet. It is also required if the owners are shifting to the new locality and they cannot take their pet to the new place. Cat rescue is required if any cat is left alone due to some infectious illness or permanent disability.

Bombay Cat Breed for Adoption

If you wish to adopt the Bombay cat, you can contact the cat rescue center near to your place and look for the cat of your choice. The main aim of the rescue centers is to provide home to the neglected cats. Adopting the cats from the rescue centers, you will be directly helping the cats and the rescue centers. Don’t worry about the diseases or infections suffered by these cats. There are trained professionals at the rescue centers those make the complete health check up of the cat before handing it to the adopter. These cats are well treated for any diseases and made available after being healthy. You also have the alternative to choose the cat from the pet store, but adopting it from the cat rescue centers will provide you personal satisfaction.

Bombay Breed Personality

Bombay breed are the outgoing, friendly and fun loving cats. They are more sociable cats and make a great family pet. They are very much agile and athletic creatures.

Grooming, Diet and Care

The Bombay cats have short hair coat on their body. The coat is so close to the body that it hardly requires grooming. However, cat will like the use of pet brush on its body. In case of diet, some cats of this breed have different appetites. Some Bombay cats eat only cat food while some will eat whatever you feed them.

American Shorthair Cat Breed


The American short hair cat breed is considered to be developed from the English domestic cats that were brought to North America by the early British traders to protect the expensive goods from rats and mice. It is one of the most common cat breeds in America. American short hair comes in eight different colors and has several color patterns. Silver tabby is the most favorite American Shorthair cat. The American short hair is a self sufficient and easy going cat breed and hence it makes a good family pet. The article discusses the physical characteristics, personality and other details about American short hair cat breed.

Physical Characteristics

American short hair is a medium to large sized cat breed with beautiful appearance. Males of this breed weight around 11 to 15 pounds and females weigh around 8 to 12 pound. These cats have less rounded face than their other equivalent cat breeds. These cats have muscular body and exhibit power and alertness. Kittens take 3-4 years to turn into adults. Eyes are bright and clear. They are fairly spaced far apart and have half almond cut shape. The body coat of cat is short and thick and has hard texture. Body hairs are dense enough to protect the cat from extreme weather conditions. American short hairs are available in over 80 color patterns. Due to the dense coat, these cats require frequent brushing to avoid matting.

American Short hair Rescue

There are many international cat rescue organizations working for the rescue of the cats of different breeds. These institutions are helping the local organizations in their rescue task. The American short hair rescue is required when the cat owner has left the cat alone due to some problems. It may be because the cat is suffering from any disabilities or long-term illnesses. If the cat owners are going for the vacation or shifting their place and it is not possible to take the cat to new place, the cat is required to be shifted to such rescue centers. If any cat of this breed is found roaming alone, you can contact the cat rescue canters and handover the cat to them. These rescue centers take necessary care of cats and treat them for any diseases.

American Short hair for Adoption

The cat rescue centers provide the cats for adoption as pets. If you are looking of adopting one for your family, you can contact the nearest American short hair rescue center and look for the suitable cat. These rescue centers are working for providing homes to these neglected cats.

American Short hair Personality

American short hair is affectionate and loving cat breed. It is a pleasant companion, good going and calm cat. The cat doesn’t need attention from the owners and it loves to play by himself. It is a good companion cat for people who need a company. The American short hairs are known for their soft voices and compliant personalities. They are extremely intelligent cats and hence can be easily trained. They adapt well to other animals and children. If proper care is taken, the life span of American short hair lasts up to 15 to 20 years.

Aegean Cat Breed


This is the only native cat breed of Greek. It was developed in early 1990s by the Cat Fancy breeders. As it is one of the most recent cat breed from Greece, it is considered to be the rarest breed of cats. The article discusses about the physical characteristics of the cat. It also explains about the Aegean cat rescue programs and personality of the cats of this breed.

Physical Characteristics

The Aegean breed of cats has medium size with the athletic structure. It has long tail and body structure. The head in this breed of cats is broad and ears are widely spread on it. The eyes have the oriental shape with greenish shades. The legs of Aegean cat are strong and paws are rounded. It has the semi long haired coat on body without any hair down with a rich tail. This type of coat provides good protection to body in extreme cold conditions. White is the basic color found in cats of this breed in combination with the other 2-3 colors. Certain of the cats of this breed have stripes on its body. The ears of the cat are round in shape covered with hairs. The Aegean cat has the strong and sturdy body with impressive built.

Aegean Cat rescue

There are many organizations working for the rescue of cats. There are some international organizations that assist the local institutes for the rescue of Aegean cat breed. As this breed is rarely found, these organizations are thriving to rescue the cats of this breed. There are many cases when the cat rescue is required. It may be

  • When the cat owner falls seriously ill or dies and there is no one else to look after the cat.
  • When the lost cat is found to someone and one can’t find the cat owner.
  • The elder owners unable to take proper care of their pet.
  • Abuse or neglect situations.

The Alley cat rescue is an organization from Maryland that works to protect the cats through rescue, adoption and rehabilitation.

The Aegean Cats for Adoption

If you wish to adopt the Aegean cat, you can visit any of the rescue centers and select the appropriate cat. There are plenty things that you should consider when you choose the cat. See whether the cat is physically fit and make sure that it does not suffer from any illness. It is the long term responsibility and make sure that you can handle it.

Aegean Cat Personality

The Aegean cat personality shows that the cats of this breed are extremely intelligent and social felines. They can communicate their needs and they can be very affectionate. Aegean cats are well personalized to humans and make a good companion animal.

American Wirehair Cat Breed


It is the rarest cat breed in America. It was developed as a result of genetic mutation. The American wirehairs are medium size powerful cats. The cat is heavily muscled and has heavy bones. The presented article discusses the details about the physical characteristics, personality and American wirehair rescue and adoption.

Physical Characteristics

The American wirehair has the broad chest and muscular neck. It has well developed muzzle and strong jaws. All the body parts in adults are well developed. The legs are strong and thick. Head of the cat is slightly longer and wider and eyes are rounded in shape. Ears are rounded at the tip. This breed’s females are smaller than males. The body coat of cat comes in all colors and patterns. The coat is thick, coarse and crimped all over the body. It is soft to touch and springs back in place when ruffled.

Some of the wire hair cats are prone to skin allergies and hence their coat should be kept dry to avoid such problems. The loose body hairs may cause irritation. Hence, regular bathing is recommended for avoiding this problem.

American Wire Hair Rescue

The American wire hair rescue is required in following cases

  • When the cat owners are shifting to another locality or going out for long time vacations and can’t carry their cat along with them
  • Cat is suffering from any type of physical disability or long time illness and the owner have left cat alone
  • When the cat owners have tuned older and are not able to take necessary care of their pet
  • When any American wire hair cat is found alone
  • When the cat is neglected or abused due to some reasons

There are thousands national and international organizations working for the rescue of cats. These organizations are also helping the local organizations in their rescue work. If you find any cat of this breed along or neglected, you can contact the nearest American wirehair rescue center and handover the cat to them. These rescue centers take proper care of cats till they are adopted by any homeowner. Rescue centers have trained professional to monitor the health of the cats. These cats are properly checked for any infectious diseases. Hence, it is good to adopt the cats from such rescue centers when you are thinking of getting one.

American Wirehair for Adoption

You can look for the rescue centers nearer to you for adopting the cat of this breed. You can also visit the pet store and look for the appropriate cat. Make sure that you have sufficient knowledge about the cat before you adopt it. Ask for the cat information manual from the staff when you are taking cat home.

American Wirehair Personality

It is a good companion pet. Wirehair is a loving cat and forms a great attachment with the family members. It loves to play but does not need hourly attention. When it is in mood to play, it brings a toy to its guardian. It is a good companion for single people. It is nor over demanding and stays independent. They are tolerant, loyal and playful.

American Polydactyl Cat Breed


The American polydactyl cat is the cat breed found along the East coast of United States and Southwest England. It is the cat breed with inherited physical abnormality called polydactyl. The cats of this breed have more number of toes than usual on one or more paws. As they are mostly found along the coast of America, they are called as American polydactyl.

The most prominent thing about the cat of this breed is that it generally has up to seven toes on each paw. There are different combinations of digits on each paw, but the number of digits on the front and the back paws generally matches. Below are some physical characteristics of the cats of this breed.

Physical Characteristics

American Polydactyl cats are physically strong with a large and powerful built. It has a wide medium-sized head with strong legs. The bodies of polydactyl are squat and somewhat box-shaped. Their tails are either long or bobtailed. Their hind legs are substantially longer than their front legs and their bodies are generally smaller. They have rounded eyes that are sufficiently wide and angled. Eyes can be of any color. They have widely spaced pointed ears. The fur of the polydactyl can be of any color and length.

American Polydactyl Rescue

Many international organizations are thriving to save the American polydactyl cat breed. They are also helping the local organizations and institutes in the rescue programs held. The cat rescue is required for providing the basic care and affection to the cats having lost their homes. Cat rescue may also be required for the cat in case their owners have left them after they were unable to take proper care of it, or due to the long-term illness act was neglected or abused. The cat rescue organizations take care of all the illnesses of the rescued cats. If you find any American polydactyl lost, you can contact the nearest American polydactyl rescue organization and ask for help.

American Polydactyl for Adoption

You can visit the pet stores if you want to buy an American Polydactyl cat breed for your home. You can also get the cat of this breed at the rescue centers. You can visit any of the cat rescue center nearer to you and look for the American polydactyl cat breed. It is important to check the health of the cat and get it inspected from the vet for any infectious diseases. You can adopt the one that is suitable for your home. Most of the people prefer choosing the kittens instead of the grown up cats.

American Polydactyl Personality

In terms of personality, American polydactyl are very much similar to the other cat breeds. They have more relaxed and mellow personality. They are able to survive even in snowy conditions. They are very much adaptive cats and adapt well to indoor and outdoor life. They are affectionate and loving toward children.