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Balinese cat Breed


The Balinese is a longhair cat breed that was originally registered as “Longhair Siamese”. It is an oriental cat with Siamese markings on its body. It has a medium length silky coat with the plumed tail that is less fluffy than a Himalayan cat. The physical characteristics, Balinese cats for adoption, its personality, diet, etc. are discussed briefly in the abstract given below.

Physical Characteristics of Balinese cat

Balinese has a slim built and long tapering body. It has flexible, strong and muscular body structure. It is blessed with the excellent physical condition with neither loose nor bony body. Ears are large flared and positioned in the way that it looks like a triangle. The eyes of Balinese cat are brilliant sapphire blue in color. They have oriental or almond shape. Neck of the cat is long and slender and has the lengthy, refined and muscular body. Legs of the cat are strong and bony with delicate oval paws. They are called as the ballet dancers of the cat world.

Balinese cat Rescue

There are many national and global organizations functioning for cat rescue. Some international organizations are helping the local cat rescue organizations in their work. The cat rescue is required due to various reasons. It may be due to If the cat owners have grown older and they are unable to take care of their pet

  • If you find any Balinese cat alone without home.
  • If the owner have left cat alone due to any infectious disease or any disability.
  • If any cat is abused or neglected.
  • Change in the locality of the owner and when the owner cannot take their pet to new place.

The rescue organizations help the cats and treat them for any diseases or disabilities. You can also adopt the cats from these rescue organizations. There are many rescue organizations working all over the world. If you are the cat owner and you are tired of keeping the cat at home or you are shifting to new place and can’t take your cat along with you, or there may be some other reason, you can contact these rescue organizations instead of just leaving the cat alone. Cat as a family pet, completely depends on you for food and shelter.

Balinese Cats for Adoption

Adopting cat from the rescue center means giving new family and new home to the cat. Cat will surely love the new home and company of new owners if they are loving and caring. If you are thinking of adopting a Balinese cat for your home, you can either visit the pet stores or the rescue centers. You will definitely get the best cat at the pet store but adopting the cat from the rescue center will give you satisfaction of providing home to the cat in need. The rescue centers have trained professionals and veterinarians those make a complete check up of the cat before handing over the cat to the owners. Hence, you don’t have to worry about the health of the cat.

Balinese cat Personality

Balinese cats love attention from their owners. They are very playful and often fond of human company. Balinese is a sociable animal that tends to be vocal sometimes. Balinese are easy going cats with high intelligence. They often do not tolerate being mistreated.

Grooming, Diet and Balinese Cat Care

Due to the semi long haired coat, it’s easy to manage and brush. The cat needs lots of exercise and good diet. The diet of the cat should include raw chicken wings and diced raw meat. Such diet will be helpful in making the coat look glossy and clean.


Burmilla Cat Breed


Burmilla Cat Breed is a hybrid of a cross between the Chinchilla Persian and Burmese cat breeds. It was created unintentionally. A cat of Chinchilla Persian breed and a lilac Burmese breed were awaiting a partner of their own breed in different rooms. One night while cleaning, the cleaner left the door open and the two cats bred four kittens in 1981. Below some important physical characteristics, cat rescue details, Burmilla breed for adoption, its personality and other relevant details are discussed briefly.

Physical Characteristics

The Burmilla is a beautiful medium size cat. It has a striking color contrast with delicate tracings of tabby markings on head, legs and tail. Burmilla cats have muscular and well built body structure with round faces and short muzzles. They weigh around 8-10 lbs. The eye color is green in most cats while blue in few. It has the distinctive feature of dark penciling around its eyes. The cat looks like it has applied an eye liner. It has large almond shaped eyes. The body coat of cat is short, thick and silky. As the Burmillas are evolved from the crossing of Chinchillas, they can carry Chinchillas’s long-hair genes. It is possible that sometimes a short-haired parent may give birth to the long-haired kitten.

Burmilla Cat Rescue

Burmilla is the cat breed developed in 1981. Since then it became the most popular breed in United Kingdom and gained the championship status in 1990. There are many national and international cat rescue organizations working in US and UK for the rescue of the cats of this breed. You can contact the nearest cat rescue center if you find any Burmilla alone without home. Cat rescue is required if cat is found alone or in trouble. These rescue teams help the cats to become physically fit. After getting fit and healthy, these cats are made available for adoption at the rescue centers. There are various reasons when the cat rescue is required. By providing the home to the cat you can be helpful to the one in need.

Burmilla Cats for Adoption

When you are in search for a Burmilla cat for adopting as a house pet, you can look for the cat at the cat rescue centers. The aim of these rescue centers is to provide home to the forbidden cats. Adopting the cat from such rescue centers, you will not only help the cat and but also support the task undertaken by these rescue teams.

You don’t have to worry about any health problems of the cat. These cats are properly examined for any infectious diseases by the trained professionals and then made available for the adoption.

Burmilla Cat Personality

Burmilla cats have playful nature but they are not over active. They are quiet cats and love to play. They like to play with their own toys and scratching posts. They are affectionate and loyal and like to get attention of the viewers. They enjoy being a part of the family. They are extremely intelligent creatures and hence can be taught easily. They are gentle, fun loving and sweet tempered breed.

Burmilla Grooming, Diet and Care

As Burmillas are mostly short-haired cats, they required low maintenance. A single brushing or combing in a week is sufficient to remove the dead and loose hairs (See the difference between lose and loose, also hair is itself plural you do not need to write hairs and keep the coat healthy and shiny. It is good if you bath the cat once in a week. This will aid in maintaining the coat’s health and provide a shiny glow. Most cat breeders give their pet the healthy cat food. It should be fed with the diet that is rich in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Fresh water should be always made available.

Training a Kitten


For many people, one of the best attractions of cats is their independent nature. However, it must be appreciated that this means that it is less easy to train a cat compared to a dog. A dog usually wishes to please its owners and to earn their praise, whereas a cat’s main concern is itself. Fortunately, a cat needs less training than a dog and is usually far more unobtrusive. All that is usually needed is some firm and consistent handling from the start and it is largely a matter of good common sense. In some cases, an owner may need to be firm for quite a time as a cat may try to assert itself and fail to realize who is supposed to be in charge.

Cats soon learn to respond to the inflections of their owner’s voice and a cross tone can be an effective deterrent, although it is a mistake to shout as this may simply frighten a kitten. Also, they intensely dislike loud sharp noises, so clapping the hands or striking the top of a table with a rolled-up newspaper highly effective. Simple command words like ‘no’, ‘get down ‘bad’, ‘out’, etc, should be used as a part of training. Then it is a matter of consistently checking bad and undesirable behavior an soon as, and each time, it appears, so that the kitten gradually learns what is acceptable. For instance, if it uses its claws or teeth when being played with, the owner should say ‘No’ sharply and perhaps tap the kitten’s nose or paw with a finger. The kitten must be told to ‘Get down’ each time it climbs on a chair, if this is not acceptable to its owners, and lifted down onto the floor.

Training a Kitten

One of the most annoying and destructive habits that cats can have is to sharpen their claws on furniture. Claw-sharpening is part of the repertoire of normal behavior, its purpose in the wild being to ensure that the claws are in good order for climbing and for fighting, if the occasion arises. It is the front ones that are sharpened, and the cat does this by standing or sitting on its hind legs and raking its extended claws down a suitable surface. Claw-sharpening also helps to mark the cat’s territory and apparently helps to impress and repel possible rivals.

To correct this behavior when it is applied to the furniture, it is necessary to be very firm and possibly even tap the kitten with a rolled-up newspaper. Alternatively, the kitten should be sternly told off, or a sudden noise made at the moment it starts to behave in this way. The kitten should be provided with a scratching post on which it is allowed to use its claws. This can be purchased from a pet shop or one can be made at home. It consists of a firmly anchored upright post, usually set in a wide, square or rectangular base, and covered with some suitable material, such as carpet, rope, sacking or canvas.

Alternatively, a log, branch or fence post nailed to a suitable base can be provided if the cat’s owners do not object to having this in the house. Each time the kitten makes any attempt to claw the furniture, it should be firmly rebuked and then removed to the post and its front paws placed on this so that it can learn to use this instead. It is also a good idea to play games with the kitten, getting it to chase a piece of paper tied to a string up and around the scratching post. In this way it will dig its claws into the post and be encouraged to use that rather than the furniture for this natural aspect of feline behavior.

Acquiring A Cat


It is generally agreed that having a pet cat is a great deal less demanding than owning a dog. A cat does not need to be plied and can be trained to use a cat flap or other suitable access point, so that it can come and go as it pleases. Alternatively, it can be taught to use a litter tray so that it can be kept permanently indoors if necessary. As long as it is not spoiled by its owner, a cat is usually easy, undemanding and inexpensive to feed. There are a wide variety of high quality, nutritious and well-balanced commercial foods available, and most cats will eat these quite readily.

Many people who have a dog want a particular breed, and this can be expensive to buy. With cats, however, the vast majority are ‘mongrels’ and one can usually be acquired for nothing or at very little cost. (About 5 per cent of pet cats are purebred pedigree animals, which are quite costly to buy.) The majority of cats are clean and fastidious, although torn cats can have the unpleasant habit of spraying urine in the house to mark their territory. It has to be said that in urban areas, cats can cause considerable annoyance because of their habit of digging in gardens in order to relieve themselves.

This is especially infuriating to people who are keen gardeners and who do not themselves own a cat. it is usual for cats to use a child’s garden sandpit as a toilet, if this is left uncovered, and this is obviously unpleasant and poses a health risk. It is therefore part of responsible ownership to train a kitten to use a corner of its own garden or a litter tray in order to prevent it from being a nuisance to others.

Neutered cats are normally fairly quiet (although Siamese cats are an exception to this rule) and hence do not cause the same degree of nuisance as a barking dog. The same is not true, however, of unneutered cats, and the female, in particular, develops a loud, persistent, high-pitched Miao (known as ‘calling’) when she is in season or oestrus. An unneutered torn cat may also call when he is patrolling his territory to check up on the likelihood of one of the females in the area being ready to mate. The noisy racket that is produced during the mating process usually occurs at night and is highly effective in disrupting human sleep. For this reason, as well as the verity that there are vast numbers of unwanted cats, many of them living in a semi-wild state, pets should be neutered unless they are pedigree animals that are of value for breeding.

It can be reasonably said that the costs of acquiring and keeping a pet cat are modest provided that the animal remains fit and well. If a cat becomes ill or involved in an accident, however, veterinary costs can be very significant, and this must be taken in account before acquiring any pet. In addition, there are the routine costs of worming and vaccination, which should be regularly attended to throughout the cat’s lifetime.

A visit to the waiting room of any veterinary clinic shows that cats are among the most frequent clients. It is wise to take account of this before having a cat as a pet. Insurance policies are available to take away the worry of being faced with a large veterinary bill but, of course, the cost of these can also be quite high, especially over the whole life span of the cat, which is often fifteen or more years.

In common with most breeds of dog, cats have abundant hair that is shed at certain times of the year. The hair adheres to carpets and furnishings, and this may mean that more effort is needed in cleaning and vacuuming than would otherwise be the case. In addition, people who suffer from asthma and eczema are often allergic to cat hair. If any member of the family suffers from either of these conditions, this should be taken into account before acquiring a cat as a pet.

A final problem of pet-owning is what to do with animals when the owner has to go away from home. It may be likely to find a willing friend or neighbor to feed and look after a cat while you are away, so that the animal can remain in its own home. In general, this is easier to achieve with a cat than with a dog, although many cats do not like being left in, an empty house. An alternative is to place the cat in a boarding cattery b ere it will be well looked after while you are away. This is on additional expense that should be taken into account before acquiring a cat as it can be costly if a cattery is to be used on a regular basis.

Vitamins and Minerals For Cat


Cat diet is a very crucial factor as far as cat care is concerned. The cat is a true carnivore and in the wild catches and kills small rodents and birds and consumes the whole of its prey to fulfill its nutritional requirements. The prey animal consists mainly of protein with a smaller amount of fat and a considerable proportion (90 per cent) of fluid. By eating the whole of die animal, including the contents of the gut and the bones, the cat obtains sufficient quantities of vitamins and minerals such as calcium.

The most important nutritional requirements are therefore for protein and fat, and cats require proportionately greater amounts than is the case for dogs. Also, unlike dogs, cats are not able to use carbohydrates as an energy source to any significant extent. In fact, carbohydrates, contained in such foods as cereals, bread and potatoes, are not needed at all in the diet of the cat but can be given in small amounts in a form that has been cooked. The reason for this are that cats are unable to digest starch unless it is in cooked cat food.

Vitamins and Minerals For Cat

The best food to offer is one with a high protein content, which is essential for growth and repair of tissues and is also used to provide energy. There should also be some fat present as this is a more readily converted source of energy than protein. The main vitamins required by cats are A, D and B. They are able to manufacture vitamin C within the body and apparently do not need vitamin K. Cats are not able to change the precursors of vitamin A (called carotenoids and found in vegetables such as carrots as well as other plants) into the vitamin. They must therefore obtain vitamin A directly from food, and good sources are liver, oily fish and cod liver oil. However, since vitamin A is fat-soluble, i.e., it can be stored and concentrated in the body, it is needed only sparingly and in small quantities. Indeed, it is important to avoid giving an excess of all the fat-soluble vitamins, A, D and E, as this can lead to disorders and deformities of the skeleton and organs (hypervitaminosis). In general, an adult cat is unlikely to be deficient in any vitamins if it is being fed a balanced and varied diet, and there is no need to add manufactured supplements.

The most important minerals needed are calcium and phosphorus, which are usually present in sufficient quantities in a good diet. An excess of minerals can cause painful disorders of the skeleton and joints, particularly in growing kittens; hence supplements should not normally be given.

There are circumstances when supplements of minerals and vitamins may be prescribed for a cat by a veterinary surgeon. Cats that have been ill and are reluctant to eat, or those that are debilitated for some reason, growing kittens and pregnant females may occasionally require such supplements in their diet. It is essential that this need is determined by a veterinary surgeon. The cat’s owner should not give vitamin or mineral supplements without obtaining expert advice.

Many people in Great Britain now eat a vegetarian diet. Those who are dog and cat owners sometimes ask if such a diet is a suitable one for their pet. The answer for this is that while a dog can be satisfactorily nourished on a vegetarian diet because it is more omnivorous, a cat is a true carnivore and needs protein and fat derived from animal sources or else it will become ill. These differences do not relate to the food that the animals can be persuaded to eat but to internal metabolic processes within cells and tissues.

It has already been stated that cats must obtain vitamin A from animal sources. In contrast to dogs, they are not able to convert the precursors of the vitamin, called carotenoids, into vitamin A. Both dogs and cats have a dietary need for ten essential amino acids (the units of which proteins are composed), and these can be found in both animal and plant foods. There is, however, another vital amino acid, called taurine, that many mammals, including dogs, are able to produce within the body from the other amino acids consumed in food. The cat does not have this ability and must obtain taurine from animal protein where it is present in higher quantities. (A deficiency in this amino acid leads to degeneration of the light-receiving layer of the eye called the retina and subsequent blindness.)

Fats from both plant and animal sources are a source of energy and contain essential fatty acids that are necessary for many internal biochemical reactions vital for life. Of particular importance in the diet of both dogs and cats is linoleic acid, which is one of three essential fatty acids. Linoleic acid is found in animal fats and vegetable oils such as corn oil. However, dogs are able to manufacture the other two essential fatty acids, which are arachidonic and linolenic acid, within the body. Dietary linoleic acid is converted into the other two essential fatty acids when needed, and dogs can obtain this from either plant or animal sources. Cats, on the other hand, are unable to convert linoleic acid and must obtain linolenic acid and arachidonic acid in their food. These are only found in the tissues of animals. It can be seen, therefore, that while cats may enjoy eating other types of food, they lack the necessary internal adaptations to be anything other than carnivores and become ill if they are given an unsuitable diet.

Cat Breeds: Bengal Cat


The first thing you’ll notice about the Bengal cat is its leopard-like spots. Mrs. Jean Mill developed the breed in the U.S. in the late 20th century when she crossed an Asian Leopard cat with an American Shorthair. However, the breed changed slightly when the Asian Leopard was crossed with the Egyptian Mau, Burmese, and the Abyssinian. These combinations produced a different type of cat.

Because the male of the species in the first three generations is usually not fertile, and because at least four generations from the Asian Leopard cat are required for the offspring to be accepted as Bengal, it is one of the rather rare cat breeds. It’s name is not derived from the Bengal Tiger, but rather the Latin appellation for the Asian Leopard cat: Prionailurus Bengalensis.

One of the wild-looking cat breeds, the Bengal has been refined to keep the spots, giving it this wild appearance, while keeping it’s gentle nature. Yet, Cat Fanciers’ Assn. doesn’t recognize the Bengal as one of the bona fide cat breeds. In fact, in the United Kingdom, owners had to register their Bengal cats under the Dangerous Wild Animals Act, until quite recently.

In addition to their spots, which make them as distinctive in cat breeds, the Bengal might have a marbled coat, rather than the rosette spotted coat, though the latter is more highly prized. Yet, the spots, whether rosette or marbles, appear only on the cat’s back and sides. Its belly is often white, but usually lightly colored. Its tail and head are striped.

When compared to other cat breeds, the Bengal is medium in size, and its body is long and muscular. They weigh about as much as an American Shorthair. Yet, the Bengal’s muscular, athletic look sometimes make them appear to be one of the larger cat breeds.

A Bengal’s face and head are wild, much like that of their ancestor, the Asian Leopard. It will have small round ears, and very strong whiskers. The mascara effect is produced by horizontal stripes beside its eyes.

Though they may look wild, Bengal cats are one of the affectionate and friendly cat breeds. They may follow you around, but at a distance. They aren’t usually lap cats, but they do enjoy play very much. They’d much prefer a good game of chase the feather than being stroked and held. Playing with a Bengal a couple of times a day for a half hour will give you a very strong bond with your pet.

Play is actually a very good way to train Bengals. They’re highly intelligent and learn well through play. Some even equate them with dogs when it comes to personality because they love to welcome their master home, and they can learn tricks, such as fetch, shaking hands, and rolling over. And once you bond with them, you may even be able to teach them to walk on a leash outdoors.

Bengals are not one of the cat breeds that should be left inside all day. They are easily bored, and can become destructive. Though they may enjoy another cat being around, be careful lest you make your Bengal jealous. If they don’t feel they’re getting enough attention or that the other cat is usurping their position in the family, it could mean fighting and disaster.

One very interesting thing about Bengals, unlike most other cat breeds, enjoy water, especially when it’s running water. They like to play with running faucets and some even jump into the tub!

Bengal cats need lot of love and attention, but once you bond with a Bengal, you’ll enjoy many happy years with a close and loving friend.

Norwegian Forest Cat – The Friendly Breed


The Perfect Choice for a Family Pet

If you’re looking for an affectionate, happy, purring machine, then look no further than this breed that is said to have traveled with the Vikings.

The Norwegian Forest Cat has a reputation for being a family-friendly, easygoing feline companion. This personality coupled with the breed’s beauty make it a much sought after domestic pet.

Origin of the Norwegian Forest Cat

Norway was the original home to this breed. They are referred to there as the skogkatt which means forest cat. They have a long history in that part of the world and are believed to have been around during the Viking age. They would be taken along on expeditions to deal with rodents on ships.

Norwegian Forest Cats in the United States

In the US, they are guided to as Wegies and are thought to be the ancestors of the Maine Coon Cat. While it’s possible they arrived in North America with Viking explorers, the first breeding pair was actually introduced in the United States in 1979 when Norway began exporting them after years of perfecting breeding programs.

Physical Traits

The Forest Cat has a furry, semi-long coat. They develop a ruff around the neck in the front, back and sides. Outdoor cats grow more of an undercoat. It is best to brush them out about once a week. Their coat doesn’t grow in fully until about age 2 years.

They are stout and muscular but are balanced in height and weight with the males growing up to 15 pounds and females smaller. They may be tabby, solid, bicolor, or multicolored in a range of hues.

Their beautiful almond-shaped eyes range in color from yellow to dark green. They are slow to mature taking five years to reach their full size.

Personality Traits

Nicknames abound for the Wegie, especially purr box, purr factory, and happy cat. They sometimes purr so much that when they are sitting it forces their entire body to rock back and forth. They are good hunters, tree climbers and make great barn cats. They also thrive indoors as the family house cat and make good indoor mousers.

The Forest Cat loves people. Once they attach themselves to someone it’s hard to shake them. They are very affectionate and make good pets for children as they love company and won’t ignore kids like other breeds might. The Norwegian Forest Cat is the perfect breed for people who love cats and are looking for an affectionate, happy addition to the household.


The Norwegian Forest Cat has a reputation for being a family-friendly, easygoing feline companion. In the US, they are referred to as Wegies and are thought to be the ancestors of the Maine Coon Cat. The first breeding pair was introduced in the United States in 1979 when Norway began exporting them. The Norwegian Forest Cat is the perfect pet for people who love cats and are looking for an affectionate, happy addition to the household. They are good hunters, tree climbers and make great barn cats. They also thrive indoors as the family house cat and make good indoor mousers.

The Most Popular Cat Breeds in 2022


Mini Profiles of the Cat Fanciers’ Association’s Top Felines

What are the most popular cat breeds? Cat Fanciers’ Association registration statistics provide the answer to this question.

According to the Cat Fanciers’ Association, the top 10 cat breeds by popularity in 2022 were as follows.

Persian Cats

Persians topped the list as the number one cat breed by popularity. Although Persians require a lot of grooming to prevent their long fur from matting, these quiet, docile, affectionate cats are loved by owners both for their appearance and temperament. Petfinder’s owner ratings indicate that Persians tend to be laid back and good with children and other pets. Notably, a Persian holds the record for longest solo journey by a cat. The record holder fought his way across 1,000 miles of harsh Australian outback to be reunited with his human family

Exotic Shorthair Cats

Sometimes mentioned to as the “lazy man’s Persian,” the Exotic Shorthair has the Persian cat appearance but with short hair, and thus minimal grooming requirements. Pet-finder owner ratings indicate that the Exotic Shorthair has a mellow, docile, easy-going personality, much like the Persian.

Maine Coon Cats

The Maine Coon, which took the number three spot in 2018, has a thick, water-repellent coat, a fluffy tail, and in many cases, tufted ears. These gentle giants are among the largest domestic cats, weighing in at 10-20 pounds on average. A slow-maturing breed, the Maine Coon takes at least 3-4 years to reach its full physical size (though it is capable of producing kittens at a much younger age). PetFinder owner ratings indicate that Maine Coons are generally healthy, good with kids and other animals, affectionate, and playful, but not particularly talkative.

Siamese Cats

Siamese cats are born with white or off-white fur and over time they develop point markings – darker fur on the ears, face, feet, and tail. How dark the points eventually become is determined by the temperature in which Siamese kittens are raised. Siamese cats are rated as among the most intelligent, talkative, affectionate, and active cats, and they are known for their longevity, with many indoor Siamese cats living 20 years or more.

Abyssinian Cats

Abyssinians have ruddy ticked coats (each hair has alternating bands of light and dark colour with a dark tip) and slender, athletic bodies. Abyssinians are among the most active and playful cats. Owners rate them as attention-seeking, good with other pets, and intelligent.

Ragdoll Cats

The Ragdoll is a large breed, topping the scales at 10-20 pounds. Ragdolls have Siamese point markings and long fur, which necessitates regular grooming. The personality is usually more like that of a Persian than a Siamese, with owners giving Ragdolls high scores for affection, docility, and being good with other pets and children, and relatively low scores for activity, chattiness, and independence.

Sphynx Cats

The nearly hairless Sphynx cat is covered in a fine, soft “peach fuzz” coat. Sphynx cats are known for their extremely high intelligence and loving personalities. Owners rate the Sphynx highly on nearly every measure, ranging from activity and playfulness to affection and talkativeness. Sphynx cats are usually good with both children and other pets, and tend to be very loyal and sociable.

American Shorthair Cats

The American Shorthair, available in a wide variety of colours and patterns, tends to be robust and adaptable, getting along well with other animals and children. Owner ratings suggest that most American Shorthairs are relatively mellow, quiet, and independent. While playful and affectionate, they usually dislike being picked up. Grooming needs are minimal.

Birman Cats

Birmans are long-haired cats with Siamese-style point markings and distinctive white “gloves.” Owner ratings indicate that the Birman personality is similar to that of the Persian, with a tendency to be affectionate, docile, quiet, easy going, and able to get along well with kids and other animals. Grooming needs are relatively high.

Oriental Cats

The oriental is essentially a Siamese that is available in many colours and patterns, rather than just the classic pointed pattern. Owner ratings indicate that the personality is similar to that of the Siamese, with high scores for intelligence, chattiness, playfulness, and overall activity levels.

What to Expect Bringing Your Bengal Cat Home


Bengal cats are beautiful pets with temperaments unlike most domestic cats. So what can you expect for the first time from your Bengal Kitten?

Bengal cats, hybrids of an Asian Leopard and domestic feline, have stunning markings and lanky bodies that are gaining them popularity as unique pets. But their personalities and breed characteristics can sometimes be unexpected.

Exploring Their Territory

Bengals are particularly curious as a breed. They will need to explore every corner of their environment several times and aren’t particularly delicate in doing so. Expect them to knock things over, jump and climb as high up as they can and poke into every small space. Once they are more comfortable with you and their new environment they will run and jump over furniture with little regard, especially when playing.

They enjoy high places and window sills. Like all new pets in the home, confining them to a single room for an introductory period will make this transition easier.

Bengals are Attracted to Water

Spray bottles are often used on cats as negative reinforcement for bad behavior. However you might find that your Bengal will think this is a fun new game rather than a punishment. All Bengals seem to enjoy water, whether splashing in their water bowls, wading in the bathtub or drinking from a running tap. They aren’t shy to join you in the bath or shower and you might wish to keep toilet lids down lest they become kitten swimming pools.

Dog-Like Qualities

Bengals are often perceived to have more dog-like behavior in that they are very food oriented and thus quite trainable. As cats, they can be quite picky about what they like to eat but once you find a favored brand or treat they can be easily taught tricks like ‘come’, ‘sit’, ‘speak’ and even ‘shake hands’ with food as positive reinforcement. They may also play fetch, with a thrown toy its own reward and similarly taught to walk on a leash. Again the walk itself will be its own reward and with repetition they will quickly learn how to walk consistently in a direction that you wish them too. However, cat-like, they still may wish to go their own way or simply lie down if you disagree.

Additionally like dogs, Bengals can be quite vocal. They seem to make a wider variety of noises than your average cat from chattering at birds in the window, chirping with affection, meowing for attention or yowling complaints when confronted with a closed door or too-high shelf.

Each Bengal is going to have its own personality but in general the breed characteristics of these cats make them unlike any other.


Bengal cats are hybrids of an Asian Leopard and domestic feline. Their personalities and breed characteristics can sometimes be unexpected. Like all new pets in the home, confining them to a single room for an introductory period will help ease their introduction to the human world. Bengals are perceived to have more dog-like behaviour in that they are very food oriented and thus quite trainable. They can be taught tricks like ‘come’, ‘sit’, ‘speak’ and even ‘shake hands’ with food as positive reinforcement. All Bengals seem to enjoy water, whether splashing in their water bowls or drinking from a running tap.


Flamepoint Siamese Cat-A Lovely Friend.


A rare and beautiful cat breed designed to captivate you and win a special place in your heart.

Are you looking for the great love of your life? Do you want to be drawn in and smitten by amazing blue eyes, creamy fur and a loving heart? If so, you may find everything you’re looking for when you meet your first Flame Point Siamese cat. Within minutes you may find yourself opening your heart and home to this intelligent, beguiling and most handsome of cat breeds.

Is a Flame Point Siamese really a Siamese?

Proud owners of Flame Points will not be too concerned that the Cat Fanciers Association of the United States actually classifies Flame Points as a separate breed termed “Colorpoint Shorthairs.” PetMD notes Colorpoint Shorthairs are considered to be first cousins of the Siamese breed. The Cat Fancy’s Governing Council,, the breed registry of the United Kingdom, has a slight different viewpoint. According to Life With Siamese Cats, the governing council recognize the breed as Siamese, however they use the term Red Point Siamese not Flame Point Siamese. Regardless of the official classification, owners of Flame Points know that indeed, they have a special member in their family.

The Charm of the Flame Point

New owners of Flame Points may think they have actually adopted a dog such as a Labrador or Golden Retriever instead of a cat. Siamese are considered to be very dog-like in nature. They are intelligent, loyal and unlike many other breeds of cats, they fully enjoy (and may insist upon) a daily relaxing belly rub. Siamese are also well known for their tendency to vocalize most of their thoughts and opinions. Their frequent conversations are so meaningful and entertaining that most owners will simply be appreciative of the fact that their Siamese is a “good communicator.”

Siamese cats are well known for their intelligent and demanding nature. If they find a game they like to play they will clearly and repeatedly let everyone know (sometimes for months) that they must be given a chance to play their favorite game until they tire. After such rousing fun, they will be more than ready for a nice belly rub and a cuddly snooze on an accommodating lap.

Flame Points are very social and active creatures. They like nice people and will probably be happier if there is another cat in the house with which they can be buddies. As any owner will tell you, be prepared for lively and unexplained gallops through the house coupled with loud, yet meaningful verbal expressions that only a fellow Siamese would probably understand. As it was pointed out in “Siamese Are Eager to Please” (Jordon, 2011), “Almost everything they do is like a clown in a cat’s body, which is probably why their owners love spending so much time with them.”

Flash Points need Loving Commitment

Over time, one realizes that their furry best friend is truly irreplaceable and a Siamese may need just that kind of love and commitment. The mature Siamese will still be fun-loving but may need some assistance from its owner to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Siamese, males in particular, are prone to a disease called “megacolon” and will very likely need daily medication if they contract this disease. Megacolon is a disease where the colon has a reduced ability to function properly which produces chronic constipation. As in humans, a lack of bowel movements in cats can be life threatening. Fortunately a prompt visit with a qualified veterinarian can do much to address any health issues.

A Love so Grand

It’s no doubt that people often turn to dogs and cats to give and receive unconditional love. The Flash Point Siamese known for their demanding nature will ask for generous amounts of love and attention. In return, they are able to give back all the love they receive in such a unique way that you’ll know yours is a relationship that is rare and precious.